The Elephants are walking again
The elephants are walking again- how courageous entrepreneurship can create lasting impact

Every five years, the SECO Start-up Fund team reaches out to its former borrowers to ascertain their current status and gather information about their circumstances, jobs created and further investments made. We are proud to say that to date the SECO Start-up Fund has committed loans totalling CHF 34 million to 132 start-ups. Out of these 90 companies (68%) still exist, which is a positive sign of their resilience and growth. With help of the capital from the SECO Start-up Fund these companies mobilized CHF 486 million in investments and generated 19’800 jobs.
Beyond the “hard numbers” the SECO Start-up Fund’s regular reviews also provide inspiring stories of how courageous entrepreneurship, coupled with a social or ecological mission, can create lasting impact. Today, we would like to share the story of ChemChem Safari Lodge.
In 2006, a Swiss-French couple embarked on a safari lodge business with the assistance of an SSF loan. Since its inception, their model has seamlessly combined the pursuit of a financially sustainable business with a commitment to wildlife and environmental conservation, as well as support for the well-being of local communities. In 2008, the company secured a lease for 4,000 hectares of land in a Wildlife Management area bordering Lake Manyara and the Tarangire River. Subsequently, in 2013, an additional 155,000 hectares were added.
The lodge’s beginnings were sobering: the reserve was empty, plagued by poaching, and littered with illegal herds of cows. Moreover, it suffered from illegal logging. However, the reserve was also rich in mineral-laden grass and home to Lala palms, whose fruits are loved by elephants. Leveraging these assets and investing significant time and personal resources, the entrepreneurial couple gradually restored the reserve and continually expanded the lodge.
Today, ChemChem Safari Lodge stands as a shining example of a sustainable business. It offers guests a unique safari experience while actively engaging in conservation efforts and supporting the local community. The lodge provides full-time employment for 200 local residents and generates income for over 20 casual workers each month. Thanks to unwavering commitment, persistence, and close cooperation with surrounding villages, ChemChem overcame multiple obstacles, including a challenging business environment and temporary crises like the Covid lockdown.
As a direct result of ChemChem’s presence, the corridor between the two ecosystems—Lake Manyara and the Tangarire River—has been restored. After more than 40 years, elephants are once again using this vital pathway, contributing to the reactivation of the ecosystem for numerous other species. This is a huge success that no other company in Tanzania has accomplished. Its impact is invaluable for both the country and its people.