The SECO Start-up Fund (SSF)
FINANCEcontact Ltd.
Gutenbergstrasse 6
CH- 8002 Zürich
Andreas Ragaz has a long-standing experience in the banking industry and in financing projects and enterprises in countries with challenging economies under development and transition.
Andreas was involved for many years in the field of SME financing as well as in the establishment and management of a bank and in training of bank employees. Andreas has been co-managing the SECO Start-up Fund since its beginning in 1999 and knows all the projects and investors personally.
Susanne Grossmann brings a multi-year expertise in private sector finance in emerging markets with a focus on private equity and lending to small- and mid-sized businesses (SMEs). Before joining the SSF Susanne worked 10 years in Swiss development cooperation, followed by several years in the private sector, where she was involved in social projects and impact investing in emerging markets.
Susanne holds a Master’s Degree in History and Economics from the University of Zurich and a Post Graduate Degree in European Integration from the University of Basel.